Family &



Let go of family generational patterns

and outdated vows of love & loyalty

Do have patterns or areas of life that no matter what you do, keep repeating or remain stuck or unable to change?

Do you notice yourself repeating similar patterns to your parents or others in your family?

For example:

  • Unwanted relationship patterns
  • Unwanted money patterns
  • Extreme meltdowns or rage or other emotions
  • Exhaustion to the point of not being able to get out of bed
  • Depression
  • Sabotaging when things get “too good”
  • “Zero-ing” your life
    • Either making no money or making money and spending or losing it all; or
    • Being able to have relationships or money but not both; or
    • Making a lot of money doing a job you dislike but not from doing something you love
    • Not wanting to be here
Family & Systemic Constellations - Kimberley Tiong

There are two main drivers that keep us stuck in life:

  • Fear/safety -based patterning, and
  • Love and loyalty to your family of origin.

Therapeutic NLP addresses fear/safety-based patterning.

Family & Systemic Constellations can help let go of the love and loyalty you carry to be just like others in your biological family. When you let go of having to carry your family’s pain, you can be free to create your life for yourself based on what you want, rather than living out another family member’s pain.

Overview of a Constellation

Family & Systemic Constellations - Kimberley Tiong

A constellation is done for one specific client but facilitated using a group of unrelated people as representatives for the client’s family members or the issue wanting to be resolved.

The client comes with an issue they would like resolved.

A group of people come together to hold space and if willing, volunteer to “represent” different roles.

The process reveals subconscious and often hidden dynamics –things that have been pushed under the carpet and “forgotten” about. When a family tries to “forget about” someone or something that has happened because it is too painful (e.g. someone is cast out, aborted, commits suicide, the effects of war, an unacknowledged tragedy occurs…), it creates unresolved trauma within the system that subconsciously move through generations.

By revealing these hidden dynamics and correctly assigning responsibility to the original generation, without any blame/shame or labelling it good/bad/right/wrong, the imbalances and entanglements can be resolved. The client can then let go of carrying the family pain and suffering, and have the opportunity to experience profound changes in their life.

Change is open and available to not just the client, but anyone there, and potentially others in the client’s family system (although this is pleasant side effect, and not the main reason for doing a constellation). People who are participating as representatives, or even just sitting and observing, may find they also get change in their lives.

You can find out more here – Constellations FAQs


Length of session: Each constellation is 90 – 120 minutes long.

There is also:

  • 1 x pre-booking consultation (completely obligation free) to get an understanding of the current unwanted experience, answer any questions and confirm whether a constellation or therapeutic NLP session might be more appropriate for your situation
  • If a Constellation is appropriate, a Pre-Constellation Questionnaire will be sent to you to be completed at least 1 day prior to the constellation
  • 1 x consultation before the constellation to discuss the Pre-Constellation Questionnaire

Location: Sessions are currently being held via Zoom or in person in Melbourne

Investment: $295 per session

Get in contact with any questions or to see if a constellation is right for you

Family & Systemic Constellations - Kimberley Tiong

What some Past Constellations Clients have said:

I’m so awestruck by how much has changed in a year… I really, truly did not want to live… so thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you

Sooo grateful to Kim

“We have been lucky enough to have 2 family constellations with Kim for my son and daughter, both with anxiety and self-esteem issues.
My daughter attended both. My son had no inclination to attend and didn’t actually ask for a constellation. As a mother, I felt responsible and so went ahead with my son’s session anyway. 
After my son’s constellation I personally felt a tremendous weight being lifted from me, and somehow layers were peeled off me. My relationship with my son changed and I gave him more space to be himself; it was not my job to “fix” him.
My daughter also experienced shifts in her general well-being and self-esteem.
After her own constellation, the shift that happened the very next day was and still is amazing and continues to enrich all our lives. There have been many changes that on the face may seem small but put together it has been a huge transition.
My daughter is glowing from the inside out. Sooo grateful to Kim” 

– Jayne Hughes

I would highly recommend family constellations to anyone who have been struggling with finding their inner strength”

“I can still clearly recall the morning of my constellation being full of tears and emotions.
The biggest take away message for me was: “I have all the support, love and strength from my family and I am not alone”. 
I used to be someone who was really ashamed to tell anyone about any bad that happened in my life, even to close friends and family, but after my family constellation I’ve noticed I was able to start being vulnerable.
Initially it was not easy for me to open up, but by opening up and being vulnerable, I felt support, love and strength at a completely different level.
I really want to say ‘Thank you’ to Kim and I would highly recommend family constellations to anyone who is struggling with finding their inner strength.”

I haven’t actually had a constellation done for myself, but have attended others’ sessions and feel noticeably more free and confident.. Some might call that magic! 

I haven’t actually had a constellation done for myself, but having attended a couple of Kim’s constellations, I notice how very fluid and flexible I am becoming. A nice feeling after many years of working to break down defences and rigidity.
After one of the constellations, I had a huge release of grief. It was really intense and then it was gone.
What was stunning was the shift in others. I have seen marked shifts in friends and their children who have had constellations – more self-awareness, confidence and as though a weight has been lifted from them.
The space Kim creates for this work is very non-invasive and open which makes it easier to participate freely without fearing judgement. This depth of open space is rare, I find, and delightful to experience.
I feel noticeably more free and more confident immediately after each session, as though stuff has been cleared on levels outside my conscious experience. Some might call that magic! 

-Julia Townend

More client success stories…

Family & Systemic Constellations - Kimberley Tiong

Have questions?

Visit Constellations FAQs here


Get in contact via email with any questions or to set up a chat to see if a constellation is right for you