Reflection: Include it all; it is all divine

Healing- Kimberley Tiong - Transformational coaching

We are here to live life to the fullest and include it all – include all of life so we can include all of ourselves.

When we can include all of ourselves, we can bring all of ourselves into the light and experience all of ourselves. And in doing so, we can recognise our divinity in all of who we are.

And when we can recognise our divinity all of who we are, we can recognise the divinity in others, regardless of the form or shape or manifestation they may take.

And when we can recognise the divinity in others, regardless of their form or shape or manifestation, we can recognise the divinity in all of God’s (life, spirit, God, universe, divine – whatever your choice of word or belief or faith or spirituality) and our creations, and in our co-creations with God – whether animal, vegetable, mineral, rock, tree, bacteria, germ or virus.

Include it all, for it is all divine.

If we are divine, everything we create is also divine.

The divine, God, life, spirit, universe, whatever you wish to call it, can only experience itself to the FULLEST through us. AND it wants to experience itself to the FULLEST – to recognise its magnificence, its gloriousness, its wonder and its power – the FULL SPECTRUM.

The good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly, the shame and guilt, the laughter and joy and love.


When we deem things as good or bad, included or not included, we are shunning a part of the divine, and ultimately a part of ourselves.

And that in itself is an experience the divine wants to have – it is all included and all part of the divine.

As Terence said, “Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto”, translated by Maya Angelou as: I am a human being – nothing human can be alien to me.

If you truly get that you are part of the divine, and more than that, the divine in human form; if you truly get that you are divine, then you truly get that all others – people and all other beings, are also divine.

If you truly get that, then you can recognise that Hitler was divine. That Pol Pot was divine. That Donald Trump is divine. That the coronavirus is divine.

AND, Mozart and Brahms were divine, Shakespeare was divine, Mother Teresa was divine, Botticelli and Michelangelo were divine, Maya Angelou was divine, Marianne Williamson is divine.

The divine is in me. I am the divine, having a human experience. Trying and wanting to experience myself to the FULLEST through my human creations here on physical earth.

I am a human being -nothing human can be alien to me – the light and the dark. If a human being did it, I can too. I am capable of it all.

Because I am divine. And you are too.

And so is Donald Trump and the cornonavirus.

Include it all.

Because when you include it all, you can include all of yourself, and bring all of yourself into the light. And marvel, wonder, find the fun, the joy, the life and divine in it all. All of you – the light and the dark.

The shadow selves you shun and are ashamed of and push away and don’t want the world to see.

The light, joyous, glorious selves you (secretly) love and are also sometimes too ashamed to show fully in the light for fear of being cut down or seen to be too big for your shoes.

And the you in the middle moderating it all. The one you let the world see. The one who is wanting a fuller, richer, more beautiful, glorious experience of life, but won’t let yourself have.

Because in order to have that fuller, richer, more beautiful, glorious experience of life, means you have to show more of your fuller, richer, more beautiful, glorious you – a fuller, more whole you – in all of your light and in all of your dark (or at least in more of your light and in more of your dark).

It means realising you are wonderful and powerful and creative and good; and that you are wounded and in pain and insecure and hurt. It means realising your anger, realising your joy, realising your shame, realising your preciousness, realising your want and need for connection, and the depths of your loneliness and disconnection and despair.

And you know what? We ALL feel it, whether we let others see it or not. We ALL have similar experiences, because we are ALL human.

That’s what being human is – realising that we have a range and depth of emotions and feelings and experiences of and in life.

Being human is being divine. Because the divine (life, spirit, God, universe, whatever your choice of word or belief or faith or spirituality) created us all.

Created us all so that it could experience ITSELF to the fullest, THROUGH US. It put itself IN US to be here on earth to have a PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE of itself. Because otherwise, that wouldn’t be possible.

Only through us, through our PHYSICAL BODY, is the ONLY way the divine can experience itself to the fullest.

Our physical body is our temple here on earth. Our divine vehicle to interact with the physical world.

And so that is why we have the full range of humans here on earth; the full range of human experiences through others, and the capacity for the full range of human experiences inside ourselves – whether we choose or allow ourselves to see that or not.

Whether we choose or allow ourselves to bring our full selves into the light or not, it is all perfectly ok. Because it is all divine. The full range of our experiences is all divine. Whether we recognise it or not.

And whatever we do, whatever choices we make, whatever experiences we have in life, the divine is having a great and glorious time experiencing itself through us, because it WANTS to experience the FULL range of human and physical experiences. It WANTS to experience the FULLNESS of its DIVINITY. And can only do so through us.

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