Breathing into our womb (lower belly)

You can listen to this journal post here, or watch the video or read below…

Many of us go through life being not quite in our bodies – we’re often rushing, we’re overwhelmed with all the sensory input coming our way, we’re overwhelmed with all the things we have to do.

Sometimes we can even think that spirituality is about transcending our body to get to a “higher level” of being above (or outside of) our body (I certainly did for many years!). When in reality, spirituality is about being more embodied – i.e. more IN our bodies.

The more of us – our energy, our spirit, our being, that is in our body, the less room and space there is for other people and external influences to influence and impact us.

We’re also here to have a physical experience. While we may be these incredibly powerful spiritual beings, we are here to have a PHYSICAL experience. That involves having to actually be here physically in our bodies.

If we can’t fully be in our physical bodies, we can’t fully be here in our physical life.

One thing that can help us get more embodied (in our bodies)

So the question is, how can we be more in our bodies?

One thing that can help with this is to breathe into our womb.

Why our womb/lower belly?

Many teachers talk about breathing into our heart space. But, that’s not our actual centre of gravity. Our centre of gravity is actually lower down in our body, in our lower belly. When we can be more in our womb or lower belly, we can be more in our centre, more grounded and more connected with our body and our life.

Further, as women, the egg that became us, actually developed in our grandmother’s womb. Because our mother developed all of the eggs she would have in her whole life by the time she was 4 months in gestation, she was a foteus in her mother’s womb(!). This means we all spent at least 5 months in our grandmother’s wombs. And likewise, our grandmother spent at least 5 months in her grandmother’s womb, going back through the generations.

And so, when we can connect with our womb, we can connect with all the women in our lineage who came before us.

And even more than that, when a baby is in the womb and they are seemingly making random movements, they are actually make sacred geometric shapes and connecting in with the divine wisdom of the universe, and getting information about Who am I? Why am I here? and Where do I belong?

So, when we can connect to our wombs, we:

  • Connect with our centre of gravity and we’re more stable and balanced
  • We connect more with our bodies, and more of US is in our bodies (we are more embodied) and so there is less room for other people and external influences to impact us
  • We connect with the women who came before us in our lineage, and
  • We connect back in with the divine universal wisdom about Who am I? Where do I belong? and Why am I here?

What about guys?

Guys can breathe into their lower bellies too, and this is called the lower dantian which is 2-3 finger widths’ below your belly button. Likewise, this helps you become more centered and more in your body, and can also help connect you with your personal power and vital energy.

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